We are very pleased to offer several decorative art options. All our art is custom designed by Anwyn Leverett specifically for our Hurdy Gurdies. Almost as unbelievable is the price; We can offer these so reasonably because you are already ordering one of our instruments!
Art price list: Art is INCLUDED at no extra charge on our 6 (or more) string models. (such as our Moncur). For a 5 (or fewer) string gurdy, rates are as follows:
Rose Art= add $50.00 Celtic Art = add $50.00 Fruit & Vine Art = add $25.00
Beautiful Rose design by Anwyn, for a more 'Gypsy' feel.
Celtic art package
Beautiful Fruit & Vine design,for a Scandinavian feel
Pictured on our 'Aquitaine' model.
Soundboard Art If you want to take it a step further, you can add this beautiful soundboard art as well. This is hand painted around the edge of the soundboard, for just $125.00.
Soundboard Art and Inlays If you want that traditional 'French' look, we can take it a step further by adding inlays to the tailpiece, wheel cover, & keychest lid, all of which is exquisitely adorned with hand painted rose art. The design is carried onto the body of the instrument around the edge of the soundboard. This art / inlay package is available for $250.00.